Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hi everybody, I know it's been a long time since my last post. I'll try to cover everything.

Matt's still travelling back and forth to Mexico for work. He's there until next Thursday. AJ is in the home stretch at school. I think he'll be sad when it's over. Erin's learned how to pedal her big wheel, but is too distracted by it's sound and light buttons to pay enough attention to not crash.

It was warm this past Friday while we were at the Plys and AJ and Erin got to play in the lake for the first time this year. Saturday I ran the Fifth Third Riverbank Run in Grand Rapids. I took 5th place in the women's Clydesdale division (145-155lbs.). I was pretty excited when I logged into the site for results and saw my name on the leaderboard!

I have money saved up for a triathlon bike, but I'm waiting to purchase one until we feel more secure about GM's future. So, I've got it stashed! I did buy a jogging stroller a couple weeks ago and I love it. Erin loves to ride in it. While AJ's at school, Erin and I can go for a run and be back in time to pick AJ up.

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