Thursday, March 19, 2009


Every time Matt goes to Mexico for an extended trip, someting expensive breaks: a car window, this time it was the laptop. DOA at the repair shop. So we did get another computer and are up and running again.

The kids are doing their kids things-fighting, laughing, teasing, being cute for mom, and being nice to each other when I'm not looking. Erin's started correctly counting things and AJ is , of course, still in love with Young 5s.

Matt's in Mexico this week, returning Saturday. At this point he's still employed and that's a blessing.

Tomorrow night the kids have a sleepover at G&G Wolski's house. I'm going out to celebrate a friend's birthday with dinner in Royal Oak followed by hijinks at Boogie Fever. I've proposed a spring trip for the family and this week while Matt's away I'm calculating costs and time in a spreadsheet. Hopefully it's a relatively inexpensive trip. I'm thinking two nights, bringing our bikes for transport around town, and bringing a cooler of sandwich stuff to curb costs. I figure one dinner a day at a restaurant. I'd like to go to the Shedd Aquarium, LegoLand and Navy Pier. I'll keep you posted on what we decide.

Fingers crossed!

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